Winter weather often brings cough, cold and flu. We can take certain steps to prevent infection. Homeopathy is effective in not only treating but also preventing the flu. My favourite remedy is Oscillococcinum (ANAS BARB), the most used influenza preventing medicine. Let’s explore some of the remedies that support your health during the winter season. We will look at each symptom picture, so you can get to know some of the remedies.

GELSEMIUM – this remedy picture will have feeling of weakness and dizziness and often comes with trembling and chills. Headache with droopy eyes. There can be muscle discomfort on lower back.

ARSENICUM ALBUM – person who has frequent cold, sore throat and chest problem may benefit from this remedy– with burning pain weakness and restlessness and anxiety. 

BELLADONA – this remedy is for very high fever, anti-inflammatory – homeopathic Calpol.

EUPATORIUM PERFOLATUM – deep seated aching in the bones, patient can be restless and chilly.

RHUS TOXICODENDRON – for aching muscles on initial movement which ease with further movement. Especially with cold damp weather, leads to nasal congestion or sore throat. This person feels extremely restless.

DROSERA – for dry, irritating, barking cough which comes in attacks.

HEPAR SULPH – for loose, rattling, barking and violent cough.

Serious injury and illness should never be treated without expert advice.

Izabela Konopka